Women's Health

Family Practice, Primary Care Practice & Urgent Care located in Northport, AL

Women's Health

Women's Health services offered in Northport, AL

Women have unique health needs, but for many women, those needs fall to the bottom of a long to-do list. At Northside Primary Care, many female residents of Northport, Alabama, rely on Christine Falls, FNP-BC, and Alisha Marie Moore, CRNP, FNP-BC, for outstanding women’s health services. Book a visit today online or by phone.

Women's Health

What is women’s health?

Women’s health is an area of medical practice focused on addressing a woman’s reproductive health needs. These visits also provide guidance on general health issues that affect women at high rates.


As you move through the phases of life, the areas of women’s health that apply to your life change. Partnering with a highly skilled women’s health practitioner ensures you get the care you need when you need it.

What role does a well-woman exam play in women’s health?

Well-woman exams are the primary setting to receive women’s health services. These annual visits usually include a pelvic exam, allowing your provider to visually check your vaginal and cervical tissues for signs of abnormality. 


Pap smear testing might also be part of the process. Collecting a small number of cells from your cervix allows a lab technician to examine those cells under a microscope. Pap testing is a powerful tool in detecting cervical cancer in the earliest possible stages when treatment is often most effective. 


Your well-woman exams are also an opportunity to connect with your practitioner and receive guidance on any topics of interest. 

What kinds of issues can I discuss during a women’s health visit?

Open and honest communication with your women’s health provider is the best way to make the most of these visits. There are no topics that are off-limits, and you should feel comfortable discussing any subject you like. 


Some of the areas of focus within well-woman exams include:


  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Pelvic pain
  • Birth control
  • Sexual health
  • Infertility
  • STD prevention, screening, and treatment
  • Symptoms of menopause


Most women benefit from coming in for a well-woman exam once per year. The areas of focus within these visits depend on your phase of life, overall health, and goals. 


Many mothers begin bringing their daughters in for exams during their teenage years. These early visits don’t usually include a pelvic exam but offer a chance for adolescents to become comfortable with their provider and get information on how to stay healthy. 


Feel free to ask questions and talk about any concerns you might have as they arise. Your practitioner has a sole focus on enhancing your health and wellness. To book a women’s health visit, call the office today or schedule online in just a few clicks.